Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Christmas Glosses

Sadly, I have the hardest time with lip products mainly because I do not like them. 

I hate the way the majority of lip products feel on my lips.

Instead of lip gloss lip sticks, I usually prefer a chap-stick that has a slight color to it.

Even though I do not like lip glosses, I am constantly purchasing them because there are some that I like.

For Christmas, I got two lip glosses from my grandma that are decent.

I tried them out the other day for work and was happy to discover that they are not THAT sticky and when used together they create a nice natural look. Sadly, they quickly wear off like most lip glosses I come across. I have yet to get a lip primer :-/ 

But as you can see, I got a nice pretty look. Ignore my bad looking skin. The Macro setting on my camera makes my skin look horrid.

If you are looking for these lip glosses, the one on the left can be pictured at Ulta I believe. And of course Burts Bee's is sold at most places.

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