Sunday, January 2, 2011

Tron Movie Review

Since I had the day off today, I decided to go see a movie tonight with my boyfriend. After much debate, we both decided to see "Tron." I was a bit skeptical at first. Don't get me wrong, I am a HUGE movie buff and I do enjoy a good sci-fi/action film.  I was just a little "iffy" after seeing the previews for it (especially since I did not know the back story to the film.)

I must admit, I was a bit confused at the films beginning. Luckily, they do a pretty good back story so I was able to figure everything out.

Lets move on to the more important things. The graphics were amazing ( I will most definitely be purchasing on Blu-Ray) What I believed to be "funny colors" really made the film stand out.

In addition to the great graphics, I was memorized by the make-up (lots of heavy eye makeup) and came up with new things to try while watching :)

Beau Garret (pictured above) looked amazing in the film, even if she turned out to be a cold hearted bitch.

Last but not least, I am a huge Olivia Wilde fan. In the film, she played the female lead called "Quorra". Doesn't she look amazing?

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