Friday, January 7, 2011

Perfect Imperfections

I stole this from my friend Victoria. You can find here blog here ( I decided to take a small break from reviewing because I got so many new products and need to get them all sorted out.

The rules: pick 3 things you dislike about yourself & explain why, then pick 3 things you like about yourself & explain why.

3 Things I Dislike:
  1. My Skin Tone - I really wish I was lighter skinned. It is so hard for me to get colors to look vibrant on myself and also I have trouble finding the right foundation shades. 
  2. My Weight - Right now I am at one of my lowest weight but I would like to weight 6 lbs less but my body will never drop any lower.
  3. My Eye Color - Sometimes I really wish I had a different eye color so that my face would stand out more.

3 Things I like:
  1. My hair - Although my hair is not the best right now, ( I gave myself a bad hair-cut,eeep!) I generally have nice hair. It is healthy and thick and grows pretty quickly.
  2. My bottom - I have never had a complaint on it, enough said! lol
  3. My eyes - Although I sometimes wish I had a different color, I believe that my eyes are pretty large and I have nice lashes.
My challenge to you: If you see this, I ask that you fill it yourself and leave it in a comment, don't be shy :)

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