Monday, January 10, 2011

How to Avoid Greasy Hair

As many of you know, you should NOT wash your hair every day. Hair should be washed no more than every other day. I like to wash my hair every other day or every two days. Also, when I have days off from work and therefore just lounge around the house, I NEVER wash my hair. I dye my hair quite often and washing it a lot causes the color to fade very quickly.

When I first stopped washing my hair, I tried using dry shampoo. I purchased a bottle of Rockaholic Dirty Secret Dry Shampoo and I loved it. The problem is, this product was very expensive in my opinion and I only got a few uses out of it.  After that, I purchased Sally's Brand Dry Shampoo but even that cost my around $7 a bottle.

After trying dry-shampoo, a friend suggested that I try baby powder. Yes, baby powder. I know that may sound odd, but it really works.

I have pretty greasy hair so I use baby powder the day after I have washed it. First, I comb my hair to get it neat and then I pour some powder into my hand and run it through my hair. I focus on the roots and the hair right by my face because that is where my hair gets the greasy-iest. Not until does this remove grease, but it keeps your hair smelling nice and fresh.

**Be sure to use the powder before you are wearing your outfit, otherwise you are likely to get it all over your clothes.Secondly, never use a hair brush on your hair after you have used the powder, it will make it look like you have dandruff** 

I use generic baby powder that I bought at Target for under $1. It's only 4 oz but I have been using it for months and I still have plenty left.

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